The Hunt with my Muse - Grosse Pointe Child Photographer
Well, after taking a huge break from shooting, I finally gathered up my little muse and got him out to scout and test a few locations in the Grosse Pointes. Now that I have done a bit of local shooting I am so mad that I let myself get consumed with our new house! What a beautiful community we live in! All the tall old trees provide beautiful filtered light, not to mention a stunning background. Literally a few little spots I found were just on the sidewalk a few houses from ours.
The following shots were taken at the Grosse Pointe War Memorial in the afternoon. Even though I was there during the hours of harsh afternoon sunlight and while a luncheon was still lingering on, I was able to find a few beautiful little spots to shoot in. From what I experienced this site is perfect for kids as you can see from the few test shots below. Had I waited a few hours to visit, I think my shooting options would have increased. I am still hopeful that this is could be an ideal location for a family session.

Recently there has been a growing trend in urban and cityscape sort of locations. The Grosse Pointes have some great little village/town sites that I would love to hold sessions in, so one morning I headed out with my early bird to see what the morning light would look like. My muse performs better in nature settings as they allow his curious little soul to explore and discoverthe wonders of nature. But he the promise of a bagel was enough for to get him to pose for a few shots. The two images below were taken in the Village of Grosse Pointe. In the ends I am sure the Village would be a great spot for a family session.

On my two block walk home, I stopped along side a fence basking in the warm morning sun and thought this site is perfect! Now I walk past this spot nearly every day, often more than once. How I have never seen the potential in it is shocking! In fact it is very telling about how caught up in moving and settling in I have been. But what I love about finding this spot, is that spots like this are all over the Grosse Pointes. Oh, the possibilities are seriously endless!